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Keeping In Touch!... Lockdown Part Deux!

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

Lockdown Part Deux…well it’s nothing like Part One is it? Nothing seems to be closed except our families and friendships. I have no issue abiding by the rules but that’s not to say it isn’t hard. Once again, I’m missing my parents, and despite my being their pain in the arse child, they miss me too. More than that….they are missing their grandchildren. It’s hard right? We are all missing someone. I consider myself very lucky. When this is over, and the powers that be say it’s okay, I will once again be able to see my parents but I am fully aware that not everybody is as lucky and that is heartbreaking and shows the REAL hardship with this pandemic.

But this time around, for me at least, it doesn’t feel much different to when lockdown was lifted the first time around. That can’t be right surely?? I live near a main road and during lockdown part one, the lack of cars on the road was noticeable. Silence, except the odd motor. When out walking The Dollster (my dog) I could walk down the middle of the road if I wanted to. I did it quite a lot actually as I gave other dog walkers and people taking exercise a nice wide berth. If I tried it this time around, I would surely end up in A & E before I could say ‘how exactly is WH Smith essential?’ Feel free to give me the answer to that because I read it somewhere this week and I just don’t get it.

So everything is ‘shut’ but not really but we can’t see each other. So for most of us, it’s back to Zoom and FaceTime loving. Not forgetting family quiz night where you shout at each other whilst drinking stupid amounts poured by your DBP (designated bar person).

Once again, we, along with the rest of the nation, need to use as many ways as we can to find a way to stay connected with those we love and to continue to laugh with each other.

For us, Thursday was always ‘our’ night. Neens and Janey always worked around me as this was the night my boys were always with their Dad. Oh how we miss our Thirsty Thursday’s and the inevitable shenanigans. Now, our Thirsty Thursday is a FaceTime three-sum. It doesn’t quite have the same ring does it? It’s not the same but hey, it’s better than nothing. I love it…we have our drinks and just chat. But do you know what I really love? I really love it when one of us starts a three-way FaceTime call when we’ve barely woken up. We stare at each other looking dog rough and just take the piss out of each other.

THAT’S what I love. THAT’S the time we feel really connected.

Stay safe and well lovely people.

💜dB 🤘🏼



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